Rebooting Exchange resulted in a mess

One fine day in office few people started complaining that they are getting password prompts on outlook, which was not big concern for me as long as they are sending & receiving mails.

To understand the problem I started looking, thanks to google I reached here it pointed towards “outlook anywhere”

“..when exchange is rebooted, it will lose connection and restore it once it is back online, and it will not try to connect via https – Outlook Anywhere.

I normally advice my user to restart outlook.”

I sat down comfortably and started taking steam to cure my bad cold, thinking I will advice same to my users. However when logged back on Monday my account was not getting connected to exchange and showing offline. My cold started to aggravate and I knew the problem is related to password prompts. And then many users started complaining of not reaching exchange and few more about password prompt.

Thankfully I could quickly found the culprit could be System “Attendant service is on the Exchange server” and it was not running. I started the service and to my relief things started working.

But meanwhile I deleted my configuration in outlook and reconfigured it, it will show its own complication (calendar/task etc.). Need medicine now for the increasing headache.

About manialok

Alok is an accomplished IT executive skilled at leading the development, delivery and support of robust cost-effective systems and design. Offers a unique combination of strategic technology vision, business acumen, and tactical leadership to consistently deliver to plan and bring value to the organization.
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